Inputs in Actions Editor update dynamic events actions

Wappler Version : 5.5.0
Operating System : MacOS

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

When changing data in the Actions Editor properties it should update the event dmx-on attribute.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

It doesn’t.
So far I’ve tested on text inputs and checkboxes. I don’t know for other types.

How to reproduce

  • Detail a step by step guide to reproduce the issue
  • A screenshot or short video indicating the problem
  • A copy of your code would help. Include: JS, HTML.
  • Test your steps on a clean page to see if you still have an issue

Is this just me?
Seems like this is quite a used feature so I’m surprised there isn’t any noise about this.

Sorry, but not really clear what exactly is wrong from your screenshot?

When changing data in the Actions Editor properties it should update the event dmx-on attribute.
Anything I change in the properties is not reflected in the html.

So I can uncheck Reload and save and the attribute won’t change in the HTML.

So the issue is with the server action load event and its reload option not being reflected in the code?

Any type of event and any text inputs and checkboxes. I don’t know for other types.

Well i just tested this and it works fine:

Without reload selected:

<button id="btn1" class="btn" dmx-on:click="serverconnect1.load({})">Button</button>

With reload selected:

<button id="btn1" class="btn" dmx-on:click="serverconnect1.load({},true)">Button</button>

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I guess a log dump is in order. I was finding it extremely rare for this to be happening just to me. Maybe something related to custom extensions hjson files being loaded.

LOL I probably need to buy some lottery today.

I think this only happens with the two components I had in my test page.

The API data source and a custom extension.

Can you try with:

<dmx-api-datasource id="dummy" is="dmx-fetch" url=""></dmx-api-datasource>
<dmx-value id="var1" dmx-on:updated="dummy.load({})"></dmx-value>

Try changing the reload parameter for the value updated event.

It works, however i see the Reload option in the UI is initially wrongly selected, but @George can fix that.

Thanks! That would be that then. I’ll open a new bug report for custom extensions if it’s needed because it’s probably a very different thing. I’ll do a bit more testing.