Input values - Small change to reduce clicks

One of the most common actions, I find, for an input is to bind the value or modify the binding. It would be really useful to have a dynamic binding permanently visible in the App Structure panel for the value property:

Somewhere near the top of the properties:

It may also be worth considering a check box for ‘required’ (more common than ‘disabled’ or ‘read only’ if clutter/space is an issue)

I would have thought this might cause confusion - moving one of the Dynamic Attributes to the (Static) Text Input Properties.

But I see what you mean. It would be great to have more keyboard shortcuts or perhaps right-click context menu options to simplify using the UI and to reduce mousework.

How about an autocomplete search input on the top that performs a search on all properties of the panel?

Two behaviours:

  1. If property is visible take you to it(i.e. name, title, id)
  2. If property has not been added do it and take you to it (i.e. dynamic class, click event)