Input Boxes Restricted on Mobile Apps

Wappler Version : 2.5.6
Operating System : Windows

Expected behavior

I have a mobile app project that used input boxes to query the database actions from my FTP server which work in the previous updates

Actual behavior

Now it doesn’t allow the use of any value in an input box at all and as such won’t load the query

How to reproduce

It worked before by for example search for items in the database with a particular name they but in the input box, then the query will load the items based on the value in that text box that contain something similar

I think that I’m having the same issue.

When I type in a search box, the dmx-on:updated attribute no longer seems to pass the value from the input to the input parameter of my Server Action.

Has anyone got any ideas?

It is not clear to me, what kind of problems you have.

Is it in the mobile app when running that your server connect actions doesn’t run?

Or within Wappler that you can’t bind them?

Please attach more screenshots and error reports.

Its not just that, it is the first thing I noticed but now that I test out the input box its not giving out any value at all, I type something in and attach a dynamic display to show the value of the text box and it doesn’t.

I am still getting no use out of text input its not just that server connects aren’t working they are it is just not getting a value out of an input component, and I have tested this and could see that there is a value in a text input but could not get the value out of it like for example I have a input value of “Title” and then put a dynamic attribute of inner text on a title component and it is displaying nothing.

I have also tested this on other mobile apps and they are having the same problem.

I have gone through the project carefully and it turns out the reason why the inputs are being restricted is because of the videos and I don’t know why that is, I take them out and the inputs work.