Inline flows generate wrong quotation

I created a button, added an onclick event and clicked on the new flow icon - and then selected the options in my screenshot.

I then create another button and attached the standard type of action, to open the modal. This worked as expected. I then selected this button and clicked the new flow icon - and accepted the option to convert the action into a flow. Again, nothing happens when I click the button. The flow created was very simple:

Here’s the console output:


I feel like I’ve got a new car but don’t know how to take off the hand brake. (But looking forward to driving it once I’ve got over this hurdle.)

Well said. I feel I am missing out on some great stuff here.

Found the problem - seems with inline flows we were generating a bit too much quotes :slight_smile:

Actually and single quotes and backticks - while the right syntax is just the backticks for expressions.
Will be fixed in the next update.

Anyway try using more page flows than inline flows for complex flows. Those can be also nicely reused.

Not quite grasping the flow addition, is there any more information on it.
I can kind of see the point to it, but most of what I do is after an action is completed. I’m struggling to see the benefits of using this in web apps.


This has been fixed in a previous udpate.