Inline flow - RunJS double quote issue still exists

Wappler Version : 4.7.1
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: Maria
Hosting Type: AWS Docker

When adding a runJS step to a dynamic event, any data binding added as a parameter is added with a single quote and backticks but no closing single quote:


This still happens in 4.9.1:


Could we get a fix for the W5 beta?


Yes please!

@patrick / @George Any reason why you guys aren’t fixing this?
This added at least a minute everytime I change any flow and test.
For every single change I have to go to the browser - see things not working - check the console - remove single quote - run again.
If I somehow remember that I need to delete the single quote that might have been added, I waste another 10 seconds searching for it.

Please fix this.


My frustration with this bug lead me to bump this thread one more time, I am very happy to see a ‘fixed in next update’ tag!!!

I’d argue the loss of time is longer.
As it doesn’t ALWAYS happen, sometimes I get comfortable changing the flow. It doesn’t work as expected, I start debugging what I’ve put inside the flow - only to realise the ' showed his face again… :rage:

This will be fixed in tomorrow’s update.

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Fixed in Wappler 5.0.4

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