Inline flow doesn't show prompt in bindings

Wappler Version : 3.0.1
Operating System : mac 10.15.5 / php 7

Expected behavior

After creating a prompt inside an inline flow, the value should be available in subsequent data bindings within the same inline flow

Actual behavior

The value from the prompt is not available (but can be manually typed in the code view )

How to reproduce

Create a standalone flow as shown (this works )

Create an inline flow as shown (does not work)

Any difference if you save and reopen the flow?

Maybe also research the node in the App Structure?

No, nothing seems to help. Here is the sandbox file I am using. (1.3 KB)

the problem still continues

@George Maybe time for a fix here?

Actually, I can’t make it work on a stand-alone flow either now.

Does anybody know the syntax to use? @s.alpaslan ?

EDIT: Scratch that. Works on the head page, just not on content pages.

hello @mebeingken,

I’m sorry I’m waiting for this too. I used “flow component” temporarily.

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I was being stupid anyhow…I wanted a Confirm, not an Alert!

Thanks Serhat

This is fixed in Wappler 3.3.6

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