Improving workflow on field conversion(s)

When I convert for example a normal input field to an autocomplete, none of the needed files are added nor uploaded to the (target) webserver.

  • First I add an input field (or have one in an already made form)
  • Then I select “Convert to autocomplete”
  • I can then add the auto complete properties to that field, but no component files are added/linked to/on the page
  • I add the autocomplete component manually, the files are linked to the page, saved to the local server, but not uploaded to the webserver
  • A new autocomplete filed is being created
  • I need to delet the newly added autocomplete field
  • I need to manually upload the component files to the target server

That is kind of weird and really confusing workflow. Can this be improved?

Can’t really recreate this, i converted a standard text input to an auto complete and on page save everything was added - the page includes and the required files:

I did also save, but the component was not added to the page nor uploaded to the server. After adding the component manually the files were added to the local server, but NOT uploed.