Import from form - Repeat Children


I’m followed the tutorial for shopping cart using Data Store and all is working fine, except the check out part, where I need to record to the database the data from data store.

Below, my checkout page, where I show the cart content, complementary fields and a hidden repeat with the data from my shopping cart:

Now, I would like to insert a “order” to my database table + order details (cart data).
Before create all all the steps, I need to define my posts variables, importing from the checkout form, but the “repeat” doesn’t import as an array and I can’t use Multi-Insert Query:

What am I missing?


Have a look at

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Thanks Ben! I made a lot of validations using the Data Store already, change everything to local storage + arrays at this time of my project is a not a good idea :frowning:

What I’m trying to do is wrong? Data Store is an array too, right?
I just tried to convert the data store to an array (flow) and using the array in the repeat, but the problem remains the same…

@George any tip?


Your hidden inputs need to have a name binded to them. For example in your situation your product_id field should be something like:

<input type="hidden" id="product_id" dmx-bind:value="product_id" dmx-bind:name="record[{{$index}}][product_id]" name="product_id">

If all your hidden inputs are like this then you will see the array in your post variables.


WOW! Thanks Max!!
Now, the repeater is imported as an array! Thanks!
But, now, the fields are returning: object object

INSERT INTO order_detail (order_id, product_id, product_name, quantity, unit_price) VALUES (‘48’, ‘[object Object]’, ‘[object Object]’, ‘[object Object]’, NULL)


Have you checked that these hidden inputs have different id’s to any other form fields on your page?

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OMG! You nailled it!!

Many thanks, Max!! It is all working now!

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This solution also worked for me, although I wonder that this has to be entered as code and shows in the Dynamic Attributes list like this:


Anyways, it seems I set it right, because the repeater’s record is available as an array in the POST variables now:


However in the “Database Insert Options” I can’t select the array’s fields like product_id:


So I tried inserting the data with these manually added values:


What am I doing wrong?

Yes this does need to be entered in code view instead of the properties panel.

You will need to run your Database Insert step inside of a repeat too and set this as your record array.

Still having trouble with this, hoping anyone can help.

I got the Database insert repeated to create the order records/order lines into the order_records database table, like here:

Then these order lines are added to the orders table in the order_lines field (which is of the Reference field type):

Also the customer (which is created in the insert_customer step is added to this table to the customer field, which is also of the Reference type.

For some reason which I can’t point out, the customer and order_lines data stay empty and are not inserted. Anyone a suggestion what might be the cause of this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

This issue is clearly Reference field related, as I also posted here. Anyone else having these problems with reference fields or is it just me?