Implement Amazon Textract

So… I’ve been searching for ocr tools, and Amazon Textract is the best one. But the problem, as always, is the code. I really don’t know how to develop the tool in my web app.

It’s very hard form to implement a code without an example page. If anyone is working in this proyect, I would be very thankful for any kind of help.

Otherwise… Is there any site I could pay for a developer to create a sample page? I can’t find any tutorial at all.

Hi Carlos,

I’m curious, what exactly does it do and what would be a use case? Does it only work on AWS systems?

The website really isn’t that informative.

It´s an excellent OCR tool and has Machine Learning incorporated to read almost perfectly every image or form.

I really don’t know if it only works on AWS, I believe it works on websites, in fact there is like a test site were you can check out how the system works.

Here is an image if you don´t have an AWS account