Image Sorting Tutorial

There has been a lot of discussion recently about sorting of elements on pages.
Inspired by @ben’s great tutorial on sorting menu items, i decided to apply this technique to the images section of the wappler 5 training course.


Question. If I want to auto store. So, one move… form submit. How do I do that?

Hey @yarycling,

You can enable the auto-submit option on your form

Hi @famousmag,
Thanks much for this but the auto submit only works on page load. I want it to happen everytime an item is moved. Any suggestions?

Haven’t tried it but, try to add a mouse-up event on your (sorting handler) buttons and submit there?

Tried that. no dice. only mouse down works

@yarycling the answer is to detect the end of dragging handler.
You can do that by handcoding, use the dmx-on:end directly on your formRepeat and just submit the form when is triggered.

It works for sure, I’ve tested it!

of course, the autosubmit option must be disabled as it is by default.

More details here at about 14:00 and forward:

(once again, A BIG THANKS TO @Hyperbytes and @ben for their valuable videos)


My guy this is it. Thanks so much. I waisted 20 mins of my life writing a jquery script to do it. This method is so much simplier. Thanks again

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