I'm a NodeJS Wappler, I tried PHP, here's why I'm going back

No PHP drama :slight_smile:

The reason I’m going back to NodeJS is because Wappler didn’t make a templating system for PHP. Instead, they tell you to use “includes”. No Wappler way to make includes? :man_facepalming:

So, nothing wrong with PHP itself, just Wappler isn’t making any easier, I was expecting the same user experience, but it’s not just about changing server targets…


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Confused?, there is an icon to do exactly that, highlight what you want to move to the include and click move to include


Includes in PHP is very easy. Simply click a button. And they work very well, even with complex includes.


I’ve used includes in PHP projects and also ASP Classic projects with no issues. I’m a total NodeJS FANBOI now though so there’s no going back for me…

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The only way to get the same (sort of) templating system using Wappler and PHP, is to create a single page app. Although I say single page app, this is sort of a hybrid SPA.

The outcome is a template with the main content injected into it.



I used this method for our company website and totally regret it. It’s a nightmare. Using PHP includes would have been so much more effective.

Just putting it out there as an alternative. No other PHP templating system beats NodeJS/Express.

For more on SPA, see