Icon to show if 'no auto load' is on (Small ui suggestion)

In app view it would be nice to see a symbol when ‘no auto load’ is on or off.


Nice suggestion. Can you post it as a feature request?

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What would be even better is if auto load is set to off by default.

I see your thinking but suspect we’d have mixed feelings on this. Maybe add it as an option in the general settings? Then we can decide which is the default?

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I agree this would be useful. To prevent the UI from becoming cluttered, perhaps a different colour for the existing icon could be used - eg red rather than grey if it’s set to auto load.

(If something like this were implemented, there are other indicators which would be useful - eg indicators for variables if they’re referenced on the page. The are quite a few possibilities. On the other hand, if such features cause any significant performance overhead, they’re probably not that important.)


This could be expanded to include page flows as well, which have autorun option as well.