okey, thanks for your thoughts & time!
Hello, where / how can i customize electron settings in wappler ? like to configure the size of the app etc…
Check out the official Electron documentation for examples and specifics not covered within the Wappler documentation.
hey thanks but, i just miss this option in wappler, as it has been described in the wappler documentation, do you know more about it ?
This option was for the older Cordova implementation. Now with capacitors you have other config files, the defaults should be all fine and otherwise check the capacitor docs
You can make all the changes you need in the config file for the application. Have a quick read through the documentation as suggested by George. Then just play around until you achieve the results you are after. Backup so you can revert back, and play around again. Rinse and repeat.
thanks man! your tips always get me further
Did you clicked the build button (hammer) first?
I’m not sure, I don’t think so… to your info, when i recreate this test app it repeats this error message (when i hit run again)
Can you hit the build button and after that, the play button?
you ask me to press ?
Yes, click the build button
After that click the preview button
ok done, but it takes very long after step 2… it says “run your project for electron”
and now the same result issue again appears unfortunately
I see the error dmx is not defined.
That happens when there’s no app connect on your page.
Can you show the code of your app?
Can you show all the lines? In your screenshots starts on the line 16
Strange, what if you add a paragraph or a heading? Try to add something yo your page and preview it