I need to build an offline app for the desktop. Any help or better step by step instructions guide for Wappler would be awesome, please!

Can you quit Wappler and then restart running as administrator?

I agree. I ran into issues with this as well.

I’ll try how you describe it!
but I have to give the project a name !?

I’m talking about the folders name, they have spaces in it.

Instead of “Wappler Projects” Use “WapplerProjects” or “Wappler_Projects”

And instead of “Harmonic Wheel Projects” use “HarmonicWheelProject” or “Harmonic_Wheel_Projects”

aha ok i understand… and which template should i choose ? bootstrap blank or framework7, for strictly offline desktop app ?

Use bootstrap, framework7 v6 and v7 is very inestable with app connect, reported already, try bootstrap and maybe you can try latest stable v5 of Framework7.
But first go for the sure shot and use Bootstrap

i mean for the purpose of my project (circle of fifth) which setting is or template is better suitable ?
cause i have no idea how i can reallize this idea at best!

for six hours i have been trying to find an approach or solution here without knowing whether it is all worth the effort

The Electron package might not have kept up with the latest Capacitor.

You can ignore those errors by editing electron/tsconfig.json and adding to the compilerOptions section:

"skipLibCheck": true,

then save the file and try the run again.

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Well there’s a lot of users around this forum with a lot of knowledge on bootstrap and css that can help you.

I think you’ll need a lot of hand-code of css and js.
But everything is possible.

ok thank you very much, and in which order do i do this ? should i first recreate a project ? and than your approach, george?

i see, what about CodePen website, there are many templates that might be suitable for my project, I discovered there visual suitable pens for circle of fith and other amazing css, javascript templates.

is there any way to integrate these templates without conflicts or problems?

I’m sure you can integrate it without any problems, but you’ll need to test a lot of things, check console for errors, try, and try, and try, and if it has some js read about docs integrating javascript with the app connect framework in case you need it.

There’s no magical solution like copy and paste, but I think you can do it, and if not, this community will help you when you need some answers

thanks for the encouraging and honest answer, quite honestly i imagined the whole thing a bit easier now well i have to go through it if there is no other simpler solution for my idea… :confused:
one question is it possible to make the whole thing interactive at the end, i.e. that the individual slices of the circle could execute a command (recorded macros)? if you know what i mean ?

i mean to say that if the whole thing ends up being a fiddly complicated affair, then i might have to drop the project, because i’m not really a website programmer but rather a music programmer, i just wanted to create an interface to make my daily production work easier and more accessible, you know.

You can use statics/dynamic events with the app connect framework, maybe will be easer for you to read the docs about it, to determinate what you can and can not do.

I’m not a person (I think no one is) who can tell you what your possibilities are, but if something can be made with html, css, javascript then it can be done with Wappler.

The example that Max shows, is a clearly example, that his results needed javascript hand-code and not a Wappler way (but is possible).
But if we are talking about speed development, testing, events: Wappler is a great solution and even you can deploy it to a web/desktop/mobile enviroment

If you can wrap your head around Cubase you can use Wappler!

I remember trying to get Cubase working with an Akai S2000 and an 808 on an Atari ST in the early 90’s. Makes building an application feel simple in comparison!


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One last Question regarding desktop app (electron)
i had today also the same issue, is that normal ?
not that the problems of today could have anything to do with it, if you look this post below, please

I don’t know what to say about that, I never created a desktop project.
But if the error persists, you can bump the topic and wait for a solution from the team.