I get an error when i tried to run a query in the query builde UI

Hi guys, i get an error when i tried to run a query in the query builde UI.
wappler 5.2.0
windows 10


Please make sure you have defined a direct database connect in Wappler’s Database Manager for this database connection as this is required to be able to run the queries directly.

Will make sure that a better error message is displayed next time.

Now it works, thks.

Hmmm, I have the same error on a project. Direct connection is enabled and set up. Seems to me that if the query requires a parameter you get this error. So some queries actually work and some don’t.

Here is the actual query:

FROM employers
WHERE Employer_CallBack < :P1 /* {{NOW.dateAdd("hours", -8).formatDate("yyyy-MM-dd")}} */ AND Employer_CallBack > '2019-01-01'
ORDER BY Employer_CallBack ASC

Fixed in Wappler 5.2.1

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