HREF errors in browser

wappler 6.3.3 Beta
Windows 10

If i use the following link: on a SPA page

<a href="./orders" id="Orders" internal="true" dmx-on:click="offcanvasNavigation.hide()"><h5>Current Orders</h5></a>

I get this in the browser

If i use

<h5 dmx-on:click="offcanvasNavigation.hide();browser1.goto('./orders',true);'false')" style="cursor: pointer">Completed Orders</h5>

I get

The links seem to work as expected. Just getting those errors in the browser developer tools. Didn’t know if this was related to the dmxboostrap5Naviagation and dmxBrowser issues we had last week? Maybe I need to do the links different? let me know what you think @patrick

The error is from the dmxboostrap5Naviagation code, do you have the latest version. (670 Bytes)

That did the trick! Thanks @patrick