How would I be able to do this with wappler?

What I want to create is a staff login and out system to identify the times they work.
But I need to be able to view the results by week and total the times up.
We close for 1 day midweek, so displaying the last 7 would not work, also if I checked it mid week then it would show hours for the previous week as well (if I used last 6 entries) any ideas or inspiration?

Do a full query of all the data with all the dates in a paged query then filter the query with the date range selector component where you can select only 2 days or 5 or whatever you want.
The only thing you will not be able to do is select from Monday to Wednesday and friday to Sunday let’s say.
That’s the way I would do it.

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and on login script are after login an database insert where you insert time stamp . Same on logout.
You have to choose: will you calculate logged time or each time someone logout you store timestamp and also number of minutes he has been logged? I suppose second solution would be better for calculation later…