How to use DigitalOcean-hosted Redis for two different environments (i.e. dev and production)

Is it possible to leverage the same hosted redis database for two different project environments? I do this for my mySQL database, but haven’t seen an option to create different databases in redis. Thanks!

Check these videos i released yesterday.Redis us an option for a shared database type.

Thanks! I really enjoy your videos. But for redis specifically, there doesn’t appear to be a way through Wappler or through the DO UI to create different databases. I’ve been using the same DO hosted mySQL environment to host separate dev and production databases for my app for a while now (which is what you also featured in the video). I’d love to replicate this for redis, but struggling to understand how.

Not something I have done before, I just recall when creating a database container you have the choices of MySQL, MariaDB, postgreSQL and Redis.

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I figured this out. The answer I was looking for was that you connect to a specific redis database by appending the database number at the end of the connection string (forward slash db #). This article was also helpful Installing and Using Redis for Multiple Projects

However, I think there’s a bug in the connection string generated by Wappler for digitalocean redis environments. Wappler generates a connection string starting with redis://… while DO will only accept rediss://…

Also @George is there a reason why Wappler doesn’t default to the private/VPC connection strings for DO? I’ve had to overwrite my connection strings for both my mySQL dbs and now redis to use the “private-” versions of the connection strings. Thanks!