How to use Data View with Pagination?

Wappler 6.8.0 | NodeJS | Docker

  • Server connect with data in it
  • Data View is set to receive this data
  • Table which has reference to data view (data is displayed)
  • Pagination (created with pagination wizard against data view) - holds needed amount of pages

Issue: Non of the pagination action buttons works/affects to table displayed, but URL changes.

<dmx-query-manager id="query1"></dmx-query-manager>
<meta name="ac:route" content="/test/test">
<dmx-serverconnect id="serverconnect1" url="/api/Admin/advisorsList" dmx-param:brokerageid="1"></dmx-serverconnect>
<dmx-data-view id="data_view1" dmx-bind:data="" page="1" pagesize="10"></dmx-data-view>
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col">
            <table class="table">
                <tbody is="dmx-repeat" dmx-generator="bs5table" dmx-bind:repeat="" id="tableRepeat1">
                        <td dmx-text="email"></td>
            <ul class="pagination" dmx-dataview="data_view1" dmx-state="query1" dmx-offset="offset" dmx-generator="bs5paging">
                <li class="page-item" dmx-class:disabled=" == 1" aria-label="First">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="page-link" dmx-on:click="query1.set('offset',1)"><span aria-hidden="true">&lsaquo;&lsaquo;</span></a>
                <li class="page-item" dmx-class:disabled=" == 1" aria-label="Previous">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="page-link" dmx-on:click="query1.set('offset', > 1 ? - 1 :"><span aria-hidden="true">&lsaquo;</span></a>
                <li class="page-item" dmx-class:active="title ==" dmx-class:disabled="!active" dmx-repeat="data_view1.getDataViewPagination(2,1,'...')">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="page-link" dmx-on:click="query1.set('offset',page)">{{title)}}</a>
                <li class="page-item" dmx-class:disabled=" == data_view1.pages" aria-label="Next">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="page-link" dmx-on:click="query1.set('offset', < data_view1.pages ? + 1 :"><span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span></a>
                <li class="page-item" dmx-class:disabled=" == data_view1.pages" aria-label="Last">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="page-link" dmx-on:click="query1.set('offset',data_view1.pages)"><span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;&rsaquo;</span></a>

I'm not sure, but look in to auto-generated code I see this two annomalies:

  1. Shouldn't be &lt &gr instead of < and >?
  2. This ) in title doesn't have an opening (

I don't see issues with the code.
The problem is you need to setup your data view to use the url params for the pages. You can find the options under dynamic attributes of the data view component.

@Teodor But shouldn't the Pagination wizard set it automatically with query1.set?

The pagination is setting the query param in the url, that's its job ... you need to use this query param in the data view to let it know that is the parameter used for paging.

Kindly asking to be more specific.
During the pagination wizard for Data View - the only thing it allows me to set for Query Parameter is offset.

Should I also add "page" in query manager and set a Data View to is it as Dynamic Variable?

That is the parameter you created, you give it a name, it can be called offset, page, pizza etc.

You just go to Data View > Dynamic Attributes > Page and select it there.

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I should have remembered that. :exploding_head:

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