How to use Charts

Hi everybody,
Is there tutorials / Docs about charts?
I need to create several charts with my app data and don’t know how/where to start.
Many thanks


The video below should be a good starting point, its a older version of wappler but it should give you and idea on where to start :slight_smile:

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Thanks @krish.
The video is mostly about how to display data with Chart component - i understand this part clearly.

I don’t get the general way to agregate/display data from queries.
Neither how to display them correctly using “labels”, “label-x” and “label-y” from CHART DATA panels.
Don’t understand anymore the DATA SET panel…

I normally use custom queries with a return schema.

I test my queries on a separate SQL studio, then migrate it into Wappler and add the parameters if there’s anything.

The datasets are where you handle the labels and map it to the return schema.