How to use a repeat inside a flow with data store?

I have a simple flow that I want to repeat through the records that are stored in a data store. If I set the repeat to the data store it isn’t populating the output fields. I must be doing something dumb. How do I pull the data store data into the flow so that I can repeat it?

I had a similar use case and issue/bug in Page Flows whereby repeats couldn’t reference the necessary fields. By someone else’s suggestion, I simply manually referenced the data store fields wherever needed and voila. May be worth a shot

Manually enter the fields as required. It’s something I do very regularly. The output fields is rarely populated other than in the most basic scenarios

are you saying just edit the code manually? I can’t seem to just type the names in

@scalaris do you have an example?

I figured it out. I’ll post an example here later so if anyone else has this issue.

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