How to trigger when textarea is initially filled

Hey all, hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction please.

We have a textarea that receives a value (dmx-bind:value) from an endpoint.

How can I trigger an event when the textarea is initially filled with a value? I have tried adding dmx-on:changed, dmx-on:input etc events, but those triggers only fire if the text is changed after it has already been initially added (eg. user edits the textarea).

dmx-bind:value=endpoint value
dmx-on:changed/input/etc - doesn't trigger when initially filled. We need this to trigger.
dmx-on:changed/input/etc - triggers after filled and user changes text.

Hope that makes sense. We basically need it to trigger when text is added initially in the textarea using dmx-bind:value.

Any help would be appreciated thanks :slight_smile:

Have you tried a condition statement as in

<div id="conditional1" is="dmx-if" dmx-bind:condition="message.value">..Action..</div>

Sorry I should have mentioned that the aim of this is to trigger a custom javascript function when the value is initially filled out, so unfortunately the conditional statement won't work.

Golly, only about 15km from where I live. Small world.

We should start a Frankston Wappler Users Club. :smiley:

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That would be awesome!

If it’s when the value is initially filled, could you not do it as onsuccess of the server connect rather than an event on the input?

Just what I thought but with a flow which checks if the actual variable has a value if necessary.

You can use an inline flow on the SC dynamic success with a condition to check for a value before using the RunJS step to trigger your JavaScript