How to store an attachment in couchdb as a binary file without using local folder/Storage through wappler using API

Hello Community,

I’m trying to store Attachment(image/file) in Binary Format in CouchDB through Wappler.

I’m expecting the structure to be like:

I Don’t want to convert that image to Base64 and not to use local folder for storing these files.

If possible i would like to know when we Upload Attachment from CouchDB itself where it stores that file and then generate that binary data like:

Thank You in Advance.


Has there been anymore look into this its really the last missing piece for use of couch

We use (misuse) the couchdb as a sql server, we store the data in a specific structure and try to simulate the same functionality you have with the other databases we support in Wappler. This way couchdb has the same functionality as a sql server with the addition of live data sync when used together with pouchdb on the client. The disadvantage is that we don't use couchdb full potential as KV database and the option to have extra metadata like attachments attached to entries.

Currently I'm mostly busy with the new Beta of Wappler and some smaller bug fixes. When I have some spare time I will see what could be done, it will probably need some extra couchdb specific actions to be created.

Bump this topic again when you don't hear from me so that I'm reminded of it again.