How to set my docker project time

Hi everybody,
I need help setting my server date time.
I need the docker nodes’ server date-time to be Paris’ hour, and display Paris’ hour everywhere.
My webApp is hosted on Linode servers / Frankfurt, DE

I followed the instructions form and setted up for targets Europe/Paris + DB > Local

I have 2 hours+ delay.
Even on my localhost web App.

Any ideas?
Thanks a lot

Hi everybody,
Anybody knows?
Many thanks

Hi all,
Up ?

Hi there,
I feel stupid but can’t get the correct datetime for my project both on localhost / production. I tried several settings without success…
My customers are upset with this +2h I can’t fix…

Can you please explain what exactly is wrong with the datetime on your project?
Is it the {{NOW}} in server actions not returning the correct time?
Is it the database dates not stored properly?
Is it the database dates stored properly, but returned wrongly?
Is it the front end showing something differently?

It could be a lot of things, but if you don’t provide any additional info we won’t really be able to help.

Hi Teodor,
I use everytime {{NOW}} for every insert or update.
Database stored dates are +2h from what I expect.
Displayed dates are the same than stored dates.

I tried several other settings, with the same result.

Development target :

  • Docker + ETC/UTC + Local

stored datetime is My local hour +2, it should be my computer datetime
sometimes while testing the DB Timezone Handling setting is not saved and reseted to Driver Dependent

Production target:

  • Docker + ETC/UTC + Local
  • Linode Frankfurt, DE

stored datetime is the local hour I would +2


What database are you using and what is your database timezone set to?

Development. and Production:

  • Postgres 11.1.x
  • Both : Local

Ok, what’s the database server timezone set to?

The DB is in the docker container, I did not set specific timezone for DB :thinking:

When using {{NOW}} in Server Connect it will use the timezone from where the Node server is running, not the database timezone. I don’t think your issue is the database timezone but the timezone of your node server.

I also already tried to set my localhost node server (in docker) with the same +2h result.