I cant find the run Java Script action referenced here:
I’m trying to execute this HTML 2 docx javascript with variables:
I cant find the run Java Script action referenced here:
I’m trying to execute this HTML 2 docx javascript with variables:
Thank you! Looks like I need to learn flows lol.
Hi @Heather_Mann , and on server actions (api)? you know if is possible to call javascript personal scripts?
I don't believe there is a way to run personal scripts from server actions as scripts are front end and server actions are backend.
Maybe if you explain what you're trying to achieve I can point you in the right direction.
great @Heather_Mann, I think about using javascript to solve functions that are not available in wappler natively, like indexOf.
Ah - you're looking for custom formatters. See Creating Custom Formatters (PHP and client-side)
If you want to run js in a custom server module you will need to use node js as a server platform.
hi @Hyperbytes, i looking for documentation, you know where is? about create functions to use on api workflow? node.js my project.
Video series here
Tks! You was so fast, but i already find! Tks so mutch