How to repeat data in JSON?

I feel like I’m close but the data is not repeating.

This is the data stored in a JSON field within the database.

    "Body": [{
            "name": "slender",
            "amount": 7496,
            "parentName": "Body"
        }, {
            "name": "sturdy",
            "amount": 2500,
            "parentName": "Body"
    "Gender": [{
            "name": "female",
            "amount": 4999,
            "parentName": "Gender"
        }, {
            "name": "male",
            "amount": 4997,
            "parentName": "Gender"

This structure returns the first name value, but not the second name value. Any ideas why?

            <div class="row" is="dmx-repeat" id="repeat1" dmx-bind:repeat="" key="id">
                <ul dmx-text="checkboxes.Body[0].name">
                    <li dmx-text=""></li>


Which part are you trying to repeat exactly?
You applied a repeater on the row, but then you have some UL with innter text applied, pointing to the first element? What are you trying to achieve here?

I want to see it output the two names under the Body parent object.


  • slender
  • sturdy

But if you want to repeat the <li> you need to apply the repeat children to the <ul> and pick the correct expression in the <li>.

Also what is your entire data returned exactly? It seems to me you have some nested arrays there, so you are picking some wrong expressions?

This is the entire data

    "Body": [{
            "name": "slender",
            "amount": 7496,
            "parentName": "Body"
        }, {
            "name": "sturdy",
            "amount": 2500,
            "parentName": "Body"
    "Gender": [{
            "name": "female",
            "amount": 4999,
            "parentName": "Gender"
        }, {
            "name": "male",
            "amount": 4997,
            "parentName": "Gender"

The end goal is to have a structure like this:

            <div is="dmx-checkbox-group" id="group1" class="checkbox-group">
                <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" name="Slender"><span>7496</span>
                <input id="checkbox2" type="checkbox" name="Sturdy"><span>2500</span>
            <div is="dmx-checkbox-group" id="group1" class="checkbox-group">
                <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" name="Female"><span>4999</span>
                <input id="checkbox2" type="checkbox" name="Male"><span>4997</span>

So it looks something like this:

            <!-- repeat1: outer repeat: Body, Gender --> 
            <div class="row" is="dmx-repeat" id="repeat1" dmx-bind:repeat="" key="id">
                <!-- repeat2: inner repeat: Slender, Sturdy --> 
                <!-- build this repeat through Wappler's UI -->

Scroll down near the end, skip the entire first half and a bit more of the tutorial:

First, you repeat the outer layer (which contains Body, Gender)

For each outer layer, you repeat again (Slender, Sturdy)


  • Slender
  • Sturdy


  • Female
  • Male

I haven’t done repeats in Wappler yet, so Teodor can assist further

The challenge is with the JSON. If this was individual records in the database then I think the repeats would work, but since I have one record and trying to repeat the data within a JSON field from that record it’s not working correctly. At least that’s my current thought until @Teodor tells me I’m wrong and how to do it. :slight_smile:

This should get you going:

<div dmx-repeat:repeat1="">
        <div dmx-repeat:repeat2="$value" is="dmx-checkbox-group" id="group1" class="checkbox-group">
            <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" name="Slender"><span>{{name}} {{amount}}</span>

Will result in:


Make sure your checkboxes attributes are dynamic and all that as I didn’t add that to the code.

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Thanks @JonL and @Apple . I had to change the repeat, but it worked!!!

        <div dmx-repeat:repeat1="">
            <div dmx-repeat:repeat2="$value" is="dmx-checkbox-group" id="group1" class="checkbox-group">
                <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" name="Slender"><span>{{name}} </span>

I’m struggling a little bit with this so am hoping you can help.

I have a json field which holds data like this:

["Below Average","Average","Above Average","Excellent"]

I am trying to show checkboxes in my form with values and labels pulled from this field.


Are you able to iterate such array and print the labels (which technically are the values)? The variable is probably $value

The only thing else you can get is the $index, ranging from 0 to 3 (included) in your example

Thanks @Apple for getting back to me. I can get the array values in a comma-separated form but can’t seem to get them my repeat loop.

I’ve set the expression in my repeat to be the field containing the json but when I try to do anything in the repeat, I see this in the bindings:

I’m sure I’m doing something fundamentally wrong but cannot see what it is!

Can you show me a screenshot of the window where this happens? Honestly, this sounds like a Wappler UI bug

There does seem to be something iffy with the UI. I’ve now got it to return three rows (probably shouldn’t call them rows but you know what I mean) but I can only then access the index or key (0,1,2,etc.) and not the actual values (Below Average,Average,Above Average,etc.)

The code for the repeat is this:

<div dmx-repeat:repeat1="questionOptions.values()">
    Value: {{$value}} Key: {{$key}} Index: {{$index}}

I’ve just put a line in to output the various values for testing and I get this:

Value: Key: 0 Index: 0
Value: Key: 1 Index: 1
Value: Key: 2 Index: 2

Is this helpful in showing where I must be going wrong?

That .values() is looking a bit odd to me, can you maybe replace it with .value?

P.S.: I’m not well versed in the front-end

Where does your data come from? Is it from a database query, or an array component or any other data source?

I’m storing various values in a json field and want to then use those to display checkboxes in my form.

Coming from:

  1. Server connect data
  2. App Connect Variable
  3. App Connect Array (?)
  4. App Connect Datastore
  5. Other

That’s what Teodor wants to know :slight_smile:

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Aah, sorry. Server Connect data.

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You can do this like:

<div dmx-repeat:repeat1="questionOptions.parseJSON()">
    Value: {{$value}}

or with repeat children:

<div id="repeat1" is="dmx-repeat" dmx-bind:repeat="json_test.parseJSON()">
    <p>Value: {{$value}}</p>