I have a text input in a repeat, so it has a dynamic id like this:
I now want to reference the value of this input in a data store update: what do I reference to do this?
I’ve tried using value
in the example below and it doesn’t work, it returns and [object object]
dmx-on:updated="post_locations.update({post: this_social_media_post.value, location: location},{post_link: value})
What should I put as the value for my post_link field of the datastore?
Best wishes,
PS - for reference, the complete input item is below, and I have checked that {{location}} has a value!
<input dmx-bind:id="i_social_media_post_link_{{location}}" name="post_link" type="text" class="form-control input_text" dmx-bind:value="post_link" placeholder="Post link:" dmx-on:updated="post_locations.update({post: this_social_media_post.value, location: location},{post_link: value})">