How to Globally change Bootstrap Theme via a custom.scss

Ben, Thank you for your suggestion. I am a novice developer. When you refer to compiling, can you explain what the steps are to compile? I don’t believe that compiling is the same thing as saving. I need further assistance on that step of the process.

Hi Bruce, I am not ignoring you, but need a bit of time to create an easy to follow tutorial.

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Bruce, have a look at Using Bootstrap Source Files.

I hope this is enough to help you.


Thank you, Ben. That should be helpful for a lot of users now and for the future.

Thanks, Ben. I will read up on this.

You make me feel like a dumbhead.
Following your tutorial to me is all but not simple and easy to maintain.
Isn’t Wappler all about creating Websites without coding?

For me this means if I wanna for example change the background-color of a Bootstrap Table to a custom color (not one of those predefined ones), then I first have to go through all those steps you discribed in your tutorial and each time I wanna change some custom values (like the background-color of a bootstrap table) I have to search in the _myvariables.scss (or some other files) to find the corresponding value?
Or did I missunderstand something?

No, you don’t have to go through that everytime. You only need to do that if you want to change the colour values of success, danger, etc globally. If you want to just change the background of a bootstrap table you can easily do that without coding using the design panel.

But how? It’s all locked:

Are you using a local version of bootstrap or a CDN? If it is the CDN it will be locked as the files are not on your computer. You can override the values even in a CDN by using the Styles panel and creating a new custom.css file.

Just select the row/cell and then in the design panel add a class to it and change the background color and text color :slight_smile:
@brad it doesn’t matter if local or cdn to customize an element on your page using the design panel.

Has that changed? I swear that was an issue way back in the early days. That was before the Design Panel perhaps. Makes sense though since you aren’t actually changing anything in the css file when using the design panel. Thanks for setting me straight.

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Ah, I just tried changing the BG colour of a table with the Design Panel. Way easier than the old way with the styles panel.

Creating a new class still inherits and locks the background-color of the boostrap css:

When I use my custom css-file and overrite the background-color of the “bg-light” class by using !important, then it works.

But why have you applied bg-light to your table then, if you want it to have custom colors/background?
bg-light class is a special bs4 class for setting the background color to the bs4 defined light color. You cannot override it as it’s a special bs4 class. You should not use it for your table. Remove it from the table and use the design panel only to do what you are trying to do.

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That tutorial is only necessary if you wish to push Bootstrap to the limits. As a matter of habit, when I create a new site, I install the Bootstrap source files. I would not suggest using this method if you are not comfortable doing so.

As far as the distributed Bootstrap files are concerned, these have all been locked for a purpose, e.g. 'Do not alter'

You must setup your own stylesheet and make overriding style rules (style rules that override the original Bootstrap files), as you have done
Be careful when using !important. For more, see

Edit: re-reading the this topic, I can’t help but notice that you have set the background colour using bg-light before applying an overriding style rule. If you remove bg-light do you still need !important?

Edit 2: I notice that @Teodor as already flagged the bg-light issue.

Because I wanna keep all the other bootstrap-css-formats (like “striped”, “borderless”, and so on) that is linked to it. When I remove the bootstrap-classes and asign my own class, then all the bootstrap-css-formating gets lost and I have to start formating the table from scratch.
All I wanna do is to set “Appearance->Back Color” to my own custom color (not one of those predefined).

How can I do that?

Yes it works without!important when I remove the bg-light class.
And now I understand what the bg-light class does :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Teodor I guess I understand now too what you mean. I add my own class but using the bootstrap-parents but without the bg-light class. In this way I can override the background-color without using !important .
I hope this is right way :slight_smile:

I’m finding that there are lots of times that I would like to change just one or two default attributes that is locked to a BS4 component. So, if I understand correctly, that means adding my own css styling and removing the BS4 class.

It would be great to have a quicker way to build up the css style to match the default BS4 one and then make the one or two modifications. Maybe something such as “copy current style” option when creating a new one in the design panel.

Also, when I remove the default BS4 class the component is removed from view in the design editor. Is that expected behavior?

No, you can just override the bootstrap class in your own CSS either manually or using the design panel. No need to remove it from the component in the HTML.
So just copy the class name to your custom CSS file and apply your own rules there.

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So, would it have two classes in the design panel: the default BS4 one and my custom created one? Does that override even the locked attributes?