Hi there, one question here. How do you create a realtime database in wappler?
Use case:
realtime chatbox from user to another user
realtime database update for realtime checking of customer’s status
March 28, 2022, 10:25am
Thanks to the NodeJS and Socket.IO integration in Wappler now you can build apps which use real-time messaging, so you can send messages to all users, or only to specific users.
Messaging Basics
There are a few different options available for sending events between the server and the client - emit, broadcast or direct message.
Emit - sends to all the clients including the sender.
Broadcast - sends to all clients excluding the sender.
Direct Message - sends to specific client.
Thanks to the WebSockets and NodeJS integration in Wappler you can build real-time apps. One example of what you can build is a real-time chat app.
Sockets provide a real-time bi-directional communication channel between a client and a server. This means that the server can push messages to clients. Whenever an event occurs, the idea is that the server will get it and push it to the concerned connected clients.
In this example we will show you a simple chat app, using …
Thanks for this @Teodor .
Another question, can I use this like a poll? Like whenever I emit a message, all other client’s browsers will run a server refresh so that their database will be updated in their browser?