How to format database column before export to csv

What I need to achieve:

I want to format my database output for example date format, replace, titlecase etc. before exporting them to csv. I need the output of the csv to be end user readable friendly.

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I would also like to know how to achieve this?

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Did you found a solution ?

You can use a repeat section, use Set Value steps to assign formatted values and link the CSV export to the repeat rather than the query

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Where would you do that?

Hey @sylvainbaron,

What Ben said is to add a repeat (with Expression the query) before the Export CSV File step and assign as Export Data the repeat instead of the query

This is an example I have, pulling the products (queryProd) and based on that query values I set a repeat and assign new values in it (you can also add a nested repeat that gives a “subquery”)

Every setValue inside your repeat will be a column in your new array that is produced from the repeat.


Super thanks! Got it

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