How to extend wappler with php functions

In your current PHP page you can do whatever you want with php. I was only referring to the Server Connect generated actions

I understand but I still wonder about my initial question.
Can I use a variable in the condition in the query builder?
Or enter the name of a function that returns a value?

And how do I envoke a php function on form submit or on click event?
There are things not supported (yet) such as payments.
I use Stripe and have a custom integration.

Yes you can use variables in Server Connect. As you discover more and more Server Connect and its powers you will see that its visual action builder is actually a visual programming tool! So there are variables, expressions, loops, conditional statements, repeaters and steps to execute - so much power and all visually for you!

So I suggest you explore it more and invest a bit more time in learning and you will then benefit of its full powers!

We already started covering the base of Server Connect in the documentation:

But there is so much to cover as it is really a very large server side framework.
We have it also available fro Dreamweaver and are in process of converting the docs to Wappler as well but the usage and base is the same, so for even more extended docs and videos you can still check the DMXzone Server Connect page:

and its manual:


2 posts were split to a new topic: How to Round a number with decimals with Server Data Formatter

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: How to Round a number with decimals with Server Data Formatter

@Tina_Hammar: I am glad I am not alone on this. I have been on the verge of giving up on Wappler as well, but now I cancelled my Dreamweaver subscription instead. If you get stuck just post your problem as a “How To” and users will come to the rescue as well as the DMXZone team will. No worries. If I can get a learning curve at my age, you most certainly can too. :grinning::wink:

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