How to do double data bar chart

was hoping there might be someone on here who could help me out briefly. I am trying to make a bar chart that has columns of 2 data sets. what I mean is I have 2 warehouses, and, I want to show the volume used in each warehouse for each month

so i have this sql with the dataset returned, you see it has the months and the warehouse name and the volume stored.

looks like this at the moment

the code I have (which is very wrong of course) is

<dmx-chart id="chart4" responsive="true" point-size="" type="bar" multicolor="true" dmx-bind:data="" labels="warehousename" label-y="" dataset-1:value="Mthm3" dataset-2:value="Mthm3"></dmx-chart>

i have been looking at 2 data sets etc, but can’t get my head around it, not sure if my sql returns a data set that it does not understand or i have chart setup wrong. the data set has all the right data elements etc.

thanks in advance

I see Mthm3 contain some data but not a second column that holds any values. What is it that you want to show in the second dataset?

hi, i have 2 warehouses AeG and Mijas. I want to show a chart that shows 6 months of data, showing the sum of m3 in each warehouse for each month, so, 12 bars if you like in total

Jan AeG - 5m3
Jan Mijas - 10m3

Feb AeG - 12m3
Feb Mijas - 9m3

that sort of thing hope that makes some sense and thanks for replying

You need a custom query by selecting the interval given as day period and group by Month()
you can add Month(date_format(c.startdate,’%M’) as mth)