How to disable Wappler autoupdate of "used component assets" or is there a way switch to local files?

I am adding SRI to third-party resources like pouchdb. Unfortunately, Wappler wants to change them back upon save. Is there a way to disable what files it tries to update?

Here’s an example.

You can try this Tagify not working again after their last cdn update

Thanks @tbvgl. The challenge is I need to remove third-party resources or add SRI to them to pass CASA assessment. Adding the integrity attribute triggers Wappler to update it.


Unfortunately we do not support adding any SRI hashes to local App Connect resources. We also don’t take them in account so those will be stripped if added manually.

So you can add FR about this if you really want Wappler to support them.

In your case of a local app it doesn’t make much sense btw, you have full control of your resources.

No worries, George. I already created an FR for the SRI. For this, I was just more curious about how to keep Wappler from continually prompting me to update the resources upon save when I have modified them from what Wappler expects.

For instance, let’s say I wanted to use local resources (JS files) for pouchdb. If I switched from the files that Wappler automatically adds when you add pouchdb to a project. Is there a way to keep it from trying to continually change/readd the third-party URLs for pouch?

I think there is also an FR to allow to choose between local or cdn includes per component/ project

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