How to design ABAC/RBAC with SC?

Now that Wappler has added sqlite (and hopefully Couch/Pouch) I’m back to attempt to build an app. Admittedly I’ve forgotten a lot about Wappler, but I’m trying to refresh my knowledge. First up is designing an authorization system (attribute-based or role-based access control).

Mainly, I’m wondering how best to connect it to Server Connect for the portion of the application that lives on the server. Is there a way to make the SC dynamic so it looks at these tables to check that a user is authorized?

My table design will follow something similar to the diagram below where.

  1. Each user can have one or more groups or roles (admin, user, support team, accounting, agents, etc.).
  2. Each role will have one or more module permissions (view_user_profile, create_user_profile, view_company, write_company, etc.).
  3. Each permission will have one or more operations (read, create, write, delete, etc.)

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This may help

Thanks @ben!

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