How To Create New Page Upon Click of a Button?

Hi, all. I am completely new to Wappler and trying to figure stuff out. Right now, I want to build an app and am trying to create to features and workflows necessary for that. The first one is: permit an unregistered user to create a new page by click of a button. I more detail:

  1. User clicks on the button “create wish list”.
  2. Modal pops up asking him to enter the name of the wish list.
  3. A new page is created and the URL is build out of the entered name.
  4. The user is redirected (if necessary with SPA) to his wish list.

Can anybody point out the things that I need to do in order to make this possible? I am currently working with the app template, staring at the “learn more” button and can’t figure out how to proceed.

Hi @Momuc,
you need to generate only three pages:

  1. Create wishes list
  2. Insert wishes in the list
  3. List the wishes in a list

if you will have 1000 wishes lists, you still will have only three pages.

You can modify the URL to make something like:


for this you must play with routing (which I m not an expert but you can find all explanation on and in this forum)

The main part is how you want to structure the Database tables.

For sure you will have (I suppose)

table User
Id_User, name, surname , etc etc

table Lists
id_list, id_user, name list

table wishes

id_wishes, id_list, description of wish, insert_date

let me know
