How to create a Validator Extension?

Is it possible to create custom validator with extensions? Let’s say I want to validate document number with check digit in client side.

I’ve read other topics about creating custom extensions but couldn’t find examples of these type of extensions.

Creating client side formatter is easy in Wappler.
These don’t show up in the UI, but you can use them directly in code view.

Here’s an example: Please add specific language support for slugify formatter

Oh my gosh… how I didn’t figured out by myself? Lol…

Thank you!

Actually, turns out that I don’t need a formatter, but a javascript snippet that validates, show errors to user and prevents form from submitting.

In an “app.js”, loaded in the html layout, there is a factory function that return true or false for validation and sets error message with dmx.validate:

const validateCnpjFactory = (element) => {
  return () => {
    const isValid = validaCnpj(element.value);
    dmx.validate.setErrorMessage(element, isValid ? '' : "CNPJ inválido!");
    return isValid;

In a script tag in my page:

  var inpCnpj = document.getElementById('inp_cnpj');
  var formUpdate = document.getElementById('sc_update_empresa');
  inpCnpj.addEventListener("blur", validateCnpjFactory(inpCnpj));
  formUpdate.addEventListener("submit", () => validateCnpjFactory(inpCnpj)());

Why my field is validated, but submit is not prevented?

There is a “Wappler way” to prevent form submitting?

Okay, I managed to find an acceptable solution:

  var inpCnpj = document.getElementById('inp_cnpj');
  inpCnpj.addEventListener("blur", (ev) => {
    const isValid = validateCnpjFactory(inpCnpj)();'custom_form_error', !isValid);

Then I added a dmx-bind:disabled="custom_form_error" to submit button, disabling it.

If you know a better way of doing that, please let me know! :smiley:

The solution looks good. :+1: