How to check if repeater's queries increased/updated

Hi i am trying to figure out how to check if queries repeated in a repeater increased…how do i do that?

More info please. Did not understand the question.

I have a row repeating a query, i want to perform an action every time a new column is inserted as a result of query new entry.

For example… A row repeating a list of messages, i want to perform an action when a new column is inserted as result of new entry in the query the row is repeating

Sorry. I still don’t understand anything.
Maybe someone else will.

Or you can try to share some screenshots trying to explain your current setup and what you want to acheive.

You could try having a success event for the SC action that stores the count() of the query in a variable. Then use an ‘on updated’ dynamic action for the variable to trigger flow/actions when it changes.

If you are using then you can use sockets. If you are using php you can use action schedules to run the quiet every few seconds or so.

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@Dave @brad @bpj @sid here is a solution i found .

there is a

value updated

event in the dynamic event for row element,when it a repeating a query,i used that and it worked
