How to animate dynamic data?

When using checkboxes to filter a database query, how can an animation be triggered for the data (like old data fading out and new/updated data fading in) whenever a checkbox is clicked and the data are updated following the new query? I can’t find a way to do this. Thanks for any help.

Use the enter and leave animations in the dynamic attributes for your repeated items.

Hi Teodor!
Unfortunately, I tried that already and it doesn’t work. Also tried Inview/Outview animations, even combined with Enter/Leave animations, but the animations are not triggered whenever a checkbox is clicked and repeated data are updated.

Is for scroll animations, when the element show/hide, when scrolling the page.

Are for animating elements in a repeat region. There is also a move animation available, for animating the elements, when some disappear/appear on filtering data.

Please provide a link to your page where i can check what are you doing exactly.

Exactly the same kind of animations are used in one of the demo projects in Wappler. Just open it and inspect how it is done: