How to add an option within an opt group that pulls the data directly from the database in select

I would like to know how to add an option within an opt group in a select, but that data is pulled directly from the database and categorized as well as in the image

Thereā€™s no option in the UI directly but you can easily add it. Do the records have a property that determines which opt group to put them in?

Youā€™re probably looking at something like this:

<select name="somename" id="selectinput1">
    <optgroup dmx-repeat:optgroup="'optgroupProperty')" dmx-bind:label="$index">
        <option dmx-repeat:optgroupoptions="$value" dmx-bind:value="valueField" dmx-text="textField"></option>

The above will repeat through the query but grouped by the property that you have the determines which <optgroup> to put it in. Assuming the property is human readable it will use that as the label for the <optgroup>.
Then it will repeat through each of the values in the grouped query to add an <option> for each.

You will need to adjust the main data source binding as well as the field names being used for the optgroup, option values and option text

i have the records in the database but i donā€™t have any opcao la informing which opt group puts them to, how do I do that? never used this feature, I usually make the most common selects, but a customer emerged who wants within the selects to have the opt groups because some information was in a fixed group and the ones that will be added will be placed in another group

Ah ok. Do you have a field in the database that tells you which were added?

no haha. Basically will be the following, there are already some in the database that will have the opt group ā€œstandardā€, the ones that will be added, will have the opt group ā€œcustomizedā€, but I have no information in the database that leads to put the records in these two opt groups serparamente not, could you give me a hint of how to do this?

If you want to record it in the database, add a field for ā€˜optgroupā€™ and set it to NOT NULL with a default value of ā€˜customizedā€™ and apply it to the database (that way any future additions will automatically get ā€˜customizedā€™ as the value). Then go into the records and adjust any records that need to be in the ā€˜standardā€™ group so their values are ā€˜standardā€™. Make sure you include the ā€˜optgroupā€™ field in your database query that is used on your page.

Then the above code should work as:

<select name="somename" id="selectinput1">
    <optgroup dmx-repeat:optgroup="'optgroup')" dmx-bind:label="$index">
        <option dmx-repeat:optgroupoptions="$value" dmx-bind:value="valueField" dmx-text="textField"></option>

You will still need to adjust the data source ( - but leave the .groupBy('optgroup') on the end), option text (textField) and option value field (valueField) names.

Hi @bpj thanks for your tips above, I managed to get the optgroup working but how do I set the dmx-bind:label to other than $index?

I would like to use the optgroup value as the label as well. So I set it to dmx-bind:label="optgroup" but it returns option list separated by blank label.

Here's my full code:

<select name="somename" id="selectinput1">
    <optgroup dmx-repeat:optgroup="'optgroup')" dmx-bind:label="optgroup">
        <option dmx-repeat:optgroupoptions="$value" dmx-bind:value="valueField" dmx-text="textField"></option>

Please help...

Hi @nabila
If you group by the 'optgroup' value each grouped set of values will be the have an index of the optgroup value - that is why, in my example, I use the $index value as the dynamic label

That would make a great feature request.

Thanks for your reply @bpj

$index may have worked in the past, but as of now it returns index number itself instead of the group name. Perhaps updates to Bootstrap 5 Select have changed things around?

Anyway, after some trial and error, I managed to get the optgroup label display correct value by using $key instead of $index

Here's the updated code for Bootstrap 5:

<select name="somename" id="selectinput1">
    <optgroup dmx-repeat:optgroup="'optgroup')" dmx-bind:label="$key">
        <option dmx-repeat:optgroupoptions="$value" dmx-bind:value="valueField" dmx-text="textField"></option>


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When using groupby itā€™s always been $key and $value returned. Nothing changed there for years and Bootstrap version has nothing to do with this.

$index always returns the index of the element in the repeat.