How is Wappler's dmxAppConnect/config.js generated?

For some reason git is showing that my public/dmxAppConnect/config.js has deleted all its contents except for the last changes I’ve done (adding some query params).

  1. How is this generated?
  2. Any ideas on how to not have it delete the other stuff? Surely that’s going to cause problems on other pages in the wappler ui

Its based on all meta of query params, essions, repeat, array, vars.

Thanks, but how is it generated?
In the screenshot you can see on the left side that it has a lot of stuff in there. However Wappler has deleted it for some reason.

Although I have definitely not deleted any pages or removed metadata anywhere.

So it seems to be buggy, but I’d like to know how it works so I can workaround the bug so I don’t have to rely on a bug fix.

It is generated by the App Connect UI for keeping the schema that is used later for the pickers. So indeed various App Connect components are involved.

It is not crucial if you loose the file, but some components schema might be empty and while the most of them auto generate there might be some who needs just to be refreshed or readded like page query params for example.

What do you recommend to get my file back with the right content?

well that will be the safest way

Sorry I’m not sure what you mean with ‘that’ :slight_smile:

The file has removed most of the content, how do I get it back? Readding all schemas would be tedious work