How do I assign a property to an image, and create a group?

I’ve created a lightbox, and want it to display a group of images, one at a time with lightbox arrows to navigate to each image in the group, in that lightbox. There’s another thread that states: it’s just a property - images using the same group name will be displayed in the same lightbox.

But I’m stuck: how do I assign a property to an image?

I have looked around, searched, no luck. It’s probably something simple, but I’m not seeing it. Hopefully with the great community here, someone will have the easy answer, and then when the next person gets stuck like I have, this thread will show up in search.

Thanks in advance.

The group means that it will show images in the same lightbox one at a time using the forward and backward navigation buttons.

Grouping them will not display more than one image at a time in the lightbox.

@brad - thanks for the quick reply, and sorry if I wasn’t clear - yes, one at a time is exactly what I want. I’ll edit the original post.

Just looking for how to assign a property to an image, so they can be part of that group, and display (one at a time) in the lightbox.

Although the images are from a previous era, you will be able to find your answer here:

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Thanks @ben - I got it to work, and in the end, was just over-thinking it.

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