How do I activate My Pro account on my Mac Pro laptop?

I installed Wappler on my Windows 10 laptop and was using it when I paid for my Pro account.

I had downloaded Wappler on my Mac Pro, running to test the trial on Mac

I have downloaded the 1.6.2 for the Mac in the past few minutes.

I’m going to overwrite/update 1.6.1 on my Mac – but how do I activate it on my Mac?

I don’t find prominently displayed instructions

Thanks for Help!

Just click on the profile icon, bottom left in Wappler and sign in with your account that is also the same for this community.

You should see the license getting activated as the profile icon changes.

You do have to open a Wappler project indeed first to see the profile icon.

George, Thank you so much!
GREAT IDEA to make it accessible in both operating systems & Linux

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