February 17, 2021, 5:06pm
On the client side, I want to use a repeat on a list of contacts coming from a datastore and a .where() something like this:`is_a_demo`, show_demo_data.value, "fuzzy_function")
Where by if:
I want contacts with all values of is_a_demo
to be selected
I want only contacts where is_a_demo==0 to be selected
How can i do that?
Note that in the actual implementation I already have a preceeding ternary condition:
So putting it in a ternary operation is going to get too complex...
And the data isn't coming from a server action so I can't use conditional conditions on a query!
February 18, 2021, 8:59am
@Teodor , do you know how I can do this?
And I was wondering, is there a complete reference page somewhere describing all the possible ways of using .where()? It is so powerful!
February 18, 2021, 8:59am
To be honest i don’t understand your idea.
February 18, 2021, 9:36am
Okay, so here is an example:
Name is_a_demo
Paul 1
Phoebe 1
Teodor 0
George 0
When show_demo_data.value==1, I want to have (Paul, Phoebe, Teodor, George)
When show_demo_data.value==0, I want to have (Teodor, George)
February 18, 2021, 10:56am
We usually do it the way you have - ternary operators.
When too complex, its better to create a custom client side formatter. Something like multiwhere
, and set the params to various inputs which will finally return the filtered list that you are after.
February 18, 2021, 10:57am
Thanks for your reply @sid !
Can you point me to some resources on how to do this? Do I just copy and hack the existing Wappler ones?
February 18, 2021, 11:03am
Here an overview of the most important attributes and functions
All dmx- dom attributes, they work on all element, also elements that are not App Connect components, these attributes always expect expressions as value:
dmx-bind:<attribute-name>="<expression>" creates a data binding, you set the value dynamicly with an expression and it is also automatically updated for you.
dmx-class:<class-name>="<expression>" is a class toggle, will add/remove the class depending on the result of the expres…
Second last point here talks about the formatter functions.
There are 2 example uses of it:
This custom formatter works very well. You can use it until Wappler adds it. Of course, it will be much more comfortable to use with the interface
dmx.Formatters('string', {
selectedText: function(val) {
var e = document.getElementById(val);
var text=e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
return text;
Example Usage :
Be sure to use the ID used for the selectbox.
Here a custom formatter that uses moment.js for formatting the date.
Place following script in a js file or script block:
dmx.Formatter('string', 'formatDate2', function(val, format) {
return moment(val).format(format);
Now use it like:
{{ next_birthday.formatDate2("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY") }}
February 18, 2021, 5:00pm
@Teodor , do I need to follow @sid ‘s ideas here or is there a way to do this without going custom?
February 18, 2021, 5:21pm
If i understand you correctly, then you need to use:
show_demo_data.value == 1 ?`is_a_demo`, show_demo_data.value, "fuzzy_function") :`is_demo`, 0, '==').where(`is_a_demo`, show_demo_data.value, "fuzzy_function")
but i can never be sure i understand you as you never provide the exact code or detailed explanation of what you are doing.
And looking at the amount of the client-side transformations you are trying to do, most probably this is not the correct of doing it. Won’t be surprised if your users start complaining about their browsers crashing
February 18, 2021, 5:51pm
Am I missing something or could you just use:
.where('is_a_demo', show_demo_data.value,'<=')
If show_demo_data.value == 0 it will only show rows with is_a_demo = 0
If show_demo_data.value == 1 it will show rows with is_a_demo = 0 & is_a_demo = 1
February 18, 2021, 11:16pm
Am I missing something
@bpj , you are a genius.
And I was definitely missing something.
I am sure that will work like a dream.
Thank you soooo much!