How can I open pages inside to index page

Hello @Teodor

Thank you for new routing extension . I have question about new routing ext.
I want to create single page application . Can you explain or guide us ;

1 How can I call other pages into master page (index.php or etc…)
2 Can we use local storage if we are using routing ?

Partial page loading of content pages is coming up.

The initial router implementation is focused on URL page rewrites of full pages.

Well for the web at least. For mobile the Framework7 routing already have partial page loading


Thank you @George … you have got always good news for us :slight_smile:

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Hey George, we looking forward to the ability to have HTML load inside DIV, we are running an exiting project, which will most certainly impress all wappler users. However our site is very large, we need to make certain decisions about our SPA framework. Could you guide us when loading HTML into a div will be available, is it coming this Friday…No pressure lol. Cheers @George

Yes we are working on full SPA support right now in Wappler together with the App Connect framework.

So you won’t need any additional framework and be able to fully do client side routing and dynamically content view loading.

It will be available in this week update of Wappler.


Thats great news george, saved us a ton of time in RND… Cheers

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