How can I manually duplicate server action?

How can I duplicate server actions manually because I want to use it in same project different folder ā€¦
can you guide me @Teodor ?

just browse to the appropriate folder i.e. dmxConnect/api and copy the file, then paste it to the subfolder you want it to appear in within that api folder

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is this enought ?

yes, often do it, it will immediately appear in the server actions list

lets try quickly

only aspx files not enought (Iā€™m not sure). maybe I have to duplicate json file too

why is it not working? What is the error.

I confess i have only done this with PHP but assume the process should work for both.

I think server actions creating json files for API actions . you will see the error when click to folder icon (Open in Editor)

Sorry, not following you there, certainly in PHP, the server action file under dmxConnect/api is the json file of the server action. The folder may be called api but is is the server actions

Can you give an example of the error

I have API actions in this server action

Go into server actions, Can you see the server action in the server actions list?
Can you open it?
if so Does it appear correct?

For ASP.NET you need to copy the aspx file from dmxConnect/api as well as the corresponding json file from App_Data/ServerConnect/api

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