Horizontal Tabs to see all open files Still Needed--Refreshing

When I open a project where my last view in the File Manager had more than 6 files open when I saved and quit I can’t get access to the files on the Left side of the File Tabs.

I don’t even know if there is more than 1 file open or 3 or more because my screen width can only show 6 files.

15,4-inch (2880 x 1800) Mac Pro Laptop screen

Some people advise using “Recent Files” view –

But is fairly useless because it still doesn’t indicate if any of those files are open Now in the file manager.

It’s tedious to have to 1st DELETE File Tabs just to see how many new Tabs appear from their hiding place on the left.

I’m hoping Wappler will create the standard browser tab management that allows the user to SCROLL horizontally to all open tabs.

Thank you!

Screenshot 2020-05-14 at 09.18.13

I’m refreshing this Feature Request –

On laptop screens once you’ve opened 7 tabs on my 15" MacPro laptop (number varies with your screen dimensions) Wappler loses them to the left of the Tabs Display.

Even with Full Screen Width you can only know how many tabs you have open by using “Recent Files”

However, clicking on a file name whose tab isn’t visible in the File or Pages Manager, does not bring the Open Tab into view.

Drag and Dropping Tabs to the Right doesn’t reveal the Tab for this open page or file, either.

The only way to get hidden Tabs into view is to click on the other tabs and Close them until the hidden Tab or Tabs slide/s into view .

Every file I open or create no longer has Tabs that I can see and use. Clicking on pages or files does NOT activate that Tab into Visibility.

I must routinely Destroy Tabs to see my latest Tabs chronologically.

I’ve posted before that I wish the Tab View of Wappler functioned as a standard Browser Tab view. Horizontally scrollable to discover a “hidden tab”.

And/or that Wappler had contols to Refresh Tab view according to Alphabetical names, Folder names, Chronological creation times.

Destroying OPEN Tabs in order to reveal Tabs is a definite flaw.

Thank you for considering this as an enhancement for 3.0 !

This was improved in Wappler 6 beta 9 - the tab width is now dynamic and always shows the full file names.

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