Hi everyone!

Hi everyone from France!
We worked since march 21 on a task management solution dedicated to “Campings” named Giloo and build with Bubble.
I’m about to start building the V2 these days using Wappler (for different reasons) and I’m very excited with it! It really looks like the solution we needed. I spend most of the last two weeks reading the forum and watching tutos…
Since i’ve read a lot about hosting settings solutions and supplyers, I have a first question: Wich VPS would you reco for the french market (using Git, Node.JS and PostgreSQL - or MySQL)?
Many thanks.

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For VPS’ in France, OVH is your best bet. One of the best networks you’ll get for a variety of reasons. They have DCs in both Strasbourg (SBG) and Gravelines (GRA).

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And I will always suggest postgreSQL over MySQL if you can choose.

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Hi. Welcome to the community.
For a quick, clean and reliable setup, I would recommend to go with DO Droplet & DO Managed DB.
With DO Droplet, you can quickly create a NodeJS (no DB) target with Wappler and install Traefik & Portainer for SSL & Docker management respectively.
With DO Managed DB, I would recommend using PostgreSQL, and then connecting in Wappler as any other external DB source.

You can test the application with local NodeJS target or a local Docker-NodeJS target.
You could create separate users & DB on the same PostgreSQL DB server for dev and prod.

Using Git is a must. If you are not comfortable with it, still just use it to commit at the end of day as a backup copy. If you already know how to Git - share your insights on forum posts so many others and I could learn more as well. :slight_smile:

You could also use DO Apps for even more hassle-free deployment, but Wappler does not natively support it yet, hence I recommend Droplets. George indicated in another post that they might add improved support for it in future.


I second this. With the suggestion to try the Digital Ocean App Platform. I think it works great with Wappler, although I do agree it could be better integrated with the UI.

greetings from a fellow Bubble to Wappler switcher.

Why postgreSQL over MySQL - just for my understanding?

Bienvenu Sylvain :wink:
Tu es entre de bonnes mains ici.
You won’t regret it.

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PostgreSQL scales better. It focuses on integrity and reliability where MySQL not so much.
PG is 100% ACID compliant while MySQL is not 100%.
PG is developed by an Open Source community and although MySQL is Open Source too it’s owned by Oracle.
PG follows SQL standard more strictly than MySQL.
PG manages better than MySQL concurrency of users.
PG handles JSON data far better than MySQL.

These are just some reasons to choose PG over MySQL.

All in all, it’s a better choice for an enterprise DB engine.


Hello and welcome to Wappler community.
For me - Hetzner is no brainer: I had 0 problems setting up environment via Wappler. All you need is create project, create your API key and after Wappler setups a server - create firewall rule for a proper security. That’s it! You can now forget that you have a server some where.

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Many many thanks for all your answers, I didn’t expect so many!
I’ll give you updates from this first journey :smiley:

Thanks @sid, let’s have a look!

Many thanks @JonL, this confirm my view!

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I've never used PG. There are certainly some advantages included on your list. Do you think there are any disadvantages?

A significant difference that discourages me from considering PG is the fact that it's case-sensitive by default. My impression is that the ways round this make it slightly more difficult to use with Wappler, and generally make it more of a hassle to create queries, with possible performance implications depending on the workarounds used.

But this is only an impression. Is it a valid concern? Do you consider it a disadvantage?

Its actually not a advantage or disadvantage. Its just perception. Using mysql/mariadb, I too am ignorant towards case-sensetivity.. but now that we are trying to use Postgres more, things like these are just part of learning curve and adapting. Wappler does not support this well, so have to use workarounds, but it not too bad once it becomes part of your development flow - pretty much like Wappler itself. :sweat_smile:

To sum up what Jonas has said about PostgreSQL - its just robust.


I would say it’s a valid concern if you are migrating a database from Mysql to PG. You might need to change the schema or the app to make things work.

If you are starting from scratch it’s just part of the learning curve as Sid commented with no real impact at the end of the day.

If your app is focused on reading from database then MySQL performs better. But when I talk about reading data I am talking about BI apps reading amounts. Not your typical CMS or similar.

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Thank you @sid and @JonL for your comments. Based on the points about Wappler support and searching (though perhaps not relevant in my case), I’m probably better off sticking with MySQL for the moment. The tables I often need to search may only contain a few tens of thousands of records, but there are quite a few fields, some containing a lot of text. I need to search the data in a number of ways, including multi-keyword search across many fields. Using Wappler with MySQL for this works very well and performance is good.

Another impression I get is that people who know both MySQL and PG tend to prefer the latter. Obviously I would actually need to use it to find out if it would be better for my purposes.

Hi everyone,
Thanks again for your first feedbacks. Just spend last days looking after tutorials (thanks @mebeingken for his videos).
I have an important questions regarding the best way to work on our V2.
Since we need a web version (with DB) and Mobile Apps (Iphone + Android) using the same data - I understood I need to work on 2 separate projects - but what’s the best way to deal with DB and data and to organize my work?
Many thanks for your feedbacks.

I’m not very experienced with mobile apps but the way to go is to build the web app and then use that as the connection for the API scripts from your mobile app.