I am trying to create a tagify input for collecting emails inserted by the user.
It doesn't work and I am stuck.
Here's the code and the response from the browser:

I am trying to create a tagify input for collecting emails inserted by the user.
It doesn't work and I am stuck.
Here's the code and the response from the browser:
Please explain in more details what is not working and do you expect to happen.
I was following this tutorial Wappler Documentation - Using Tagify with Multi References and when I try to test this by inserting some emails, it wont show any tags(emails) or even encapsulating the emails after hitting "',".
Here is an image from the post to know what I expect:
Any help?
Edit: In the browser's console there's an error says "Unknown component found! tagify"
Please check:
No need to post multiple topics about the same thing.