my site has been up for 2 years.
it hasn't been updated in over a year with wappler updates - but nothing's changed. same DOcean site, same SQL db server, everything the same.
I've made a few changes to queries and some code over the past few days with no issue.
Today I needed to change logos on the bottom of my homepage - having trouble with that (needs to be another thread) but I really only edited index and main.ejs. Was working and then it wasn't.
One time when I tested it I got this on the screen - see attached image.
I have a staff.ejs and admin.ejs and they both work fine, they even require a login.
But this simple front screen has crapped out.
I went to a backup and replaced BOTH main & index and got the same thing... so its not something (in those 2 files) messed up today.
I guess some other file/route/etc got messed up by me somehow today but after an hour I can't resolve this.
The Wappler include on the index.ejs page may have been deleted or changed. Please check that index page is correctly assigned to the main layout page.
Try running node install / update commands and redeploy the project locally. Wappler has released many updates over the last year, and some of these updates may need to be redeployed.
I have also experienced that exiting and restarting Wappler application forces any changes to be applied to the project. It displays a message if there are any changes that need to be applied.
another backup? this project was "LM2"
is there an easy way to edit this project to look at my backup folder?
the home page doesn't even hit my 'real' database tables.
It just shows an asset and a menu.
Since its running in Dev mode, it shows this in the Output window:
It seems to be ONLY a issue on the initial home page.
But on the other pages, it DEFINITELY is picking up some global vars I have set in main.ejs, because it seems the rest of the app works - the globals pick up paths for my CDN, and lightbox parms.
2024-09-26T16:13:50.014Z server-connect:setup:session init session store { '$type': 'memory', ttl: 86400000 }
2024-09-26T16:13:50.044Z server-connect:setup:upload Upload middleware configured.
2024-09-26T16:13:50.046Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/admin/people/delete(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.046Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/admin/people/read(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.046Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/admin/people/search(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.047Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/admin/people/update(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.047Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/admin_note/admin_note_read(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.047Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/admin_note/admin_note_update(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.048Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/charts/conc_class_counts(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.048Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/charts/conc_class_counts_bad(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.048Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/charts/event_counts_OLD(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.049Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/reg_veh bak(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.049Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/reg_veh(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.050Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/registration/login(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.050Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/registration/register(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.050Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/registration/send_authcode(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.051Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/registration/validate_code(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.051Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/registration/whoami(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.051Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/security/is_staff(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.052Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/security/isadmin(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.052Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/security/user_loggedin(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.052Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/security/user_login(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.052Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/security/user_logout(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.053Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/security/user_registration(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.053Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/serverconnect1(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.053Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_conc1(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.054Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_conc_by_class(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.054Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_conc_by_class22(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.054Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_conc_by_class2_OLD(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.055Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_conc_by_class_22bak(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.055Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_conc_class_OLD(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.055Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_down1(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.055Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/stats/stats_makes_OLD(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.056Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/test/get_vehicles(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.056Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/unique_makes_for_event(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.056Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/unique_models_for_event_makes(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.057Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/user/user_roles(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.057Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicle_count(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.057Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicle_query_byid(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.057Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicle_query_byid_staff(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.058Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicle_update_byid(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.058Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicles_all(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.058Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicles_for_event(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.058Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicles_map_test(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.059Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicles_single(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.059Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicles_update(.json)? created
2024-09-26T16:13:50.059Z server-connect:setup:routes Api route /api/vehicles_zones(.json)? created
App listening at http://localhost:3000
PS _ If you view the LIVE site at , you'll see it operating fine - but the logos at the bottom are too large in Browser on PC.
I was trying to correct that when this error started.
I'm afraid to upload over the LIVE for fear it will break.
I just don't understand why only 1 page on the whole site throws the error 500.
I'm guessing you've already managed to do this but I think DO has a backup feature (not 100% certain) or you can FTP in and download all the files so you have a local backup copy.