Help! Identity no longer returned for logged in user

This is one of those very awkward “it was working fine yesterday” problems but I cannot suss out what is going wrong.
The user can log in and do basic tasks, but more specific tasks are allowed only based on user ‘identity’ which is used in many conditions and show/hide areas.
In Chrome DevTools I get a “Status Code: 200 OK” with the dreaded “Failed to load response data: No resource with given identifier found” message which simply doesn’t help.


It works fine on my Dev machine but not on the Production Server.
I have uploaded php files, replaced with uploaded archived files but nothing works.
Could there be some ‘other’ files that I need to replace such as dmx files? Or could something be corrupt? (I doubt this last one personally)

One problem is that I am not using version 6 yet, but suspect that maybe some version 6 files have been uploaded that need other version 6 files that haven’t been uploaded.

Should I simply recreate the Security Providers part?

I am just not sure where to go from here.

There’s nothing else in console? The security provider is on the same level? Example Or it’s under

You can check the files version in the source panel and see, maybe something was unintentionally uploaded.

Remember always backup

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Thanks @franse,
Security Provider is on the same level.
I am currently going through checking ‘like for like’.
Yes I have backup :slight_smile:
I am also checking database tables and fields because I suspect a change hasn’t been implemented correctly and so, again, checking ‘like for like’.

Enable PHP logging including warnings and check the logs. I believe this is done in the control panel of your hosting